Best Types of Artificial Grass


There is a myth that artificial grass cannot replace natural grass in its beauty and benefits. With years of research, synthetic grass today is the best alternative to natural one. Especially for kids and pets, fake lawns are the safest option. Moreover, it saves you the labor of pouring water daily and spending hours maintaining grass. After all your hard work, you can still not be able to keep natural turf green for the whole year due to changes in the weather.


After realizing the benefits of artificial grass , many homeowners have shifted towards synthetic gardens. If you have decided to get one for your backyard, we would say it is an eco-wise decision. But are you confused about the materials and what to choose, read this article, and get better informed? This article discusses the types of artificial grass and features that you must look for in synthetic turf.

Types of Artificial Grass

There are many materials of artificial grass that you can choose from, but the three most widely used ones are:

  • Polyethylene Artificial Grass
  • Polypropylene Artificial Grass
  • Nylon Artificial Grass

Let’s look at the different types of artificial grass and how it changes things for users.

Polyethylene Artificial Grass

Polyethylene is one of the widely used synthetic plastic in the world. It is also highly used in the artificial turf industry. Homeowners prefer this material because of its softness, natural-looking aesthetic, and durability.

Polyethylene is non-porous and, with time, develops odor and stains. It is more expensive than polypropylene but cheaper than nylon. Due to its static zap ability, it does not attract dust particles.

The best feature of polyethylene manufactured grasses is that their fibers are soft and firm. There is two quality of polyethylene grasses, one that has softer, more delicate strands and the one mentioned above. You can easily maintain this turf by occasionally raking and brushing the blades and cleaning the dirt.

Polypropylene Artificial Grass

Polypropylene works best for places where it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Due to its low melting point, it melts under high temperatures. Although it is the most cost-efficient option, it is the least reliable too.

You cannot have pets and children and the polypropylene turf together in the same sentence on anything but hypothetical situations as it cannot withstand heavy playing or rough usage. Kids and pets may cause permanent damage to its blades and base. If you want to install artificial grass for aesthetics merely, and not for rugged use, polypropylene is the best choice.

Nylon Artificial Grass

Best among the three!

Nylon grass is the most expensive one due to its perfect features. It is highly suitable for heavy use as it does not lose shape when someone plays on it. Due to its strength and durability, nylon grass is placed on stadium pitches. It can also withstand high temperatures and does not melt under direct sunlight.

Probably the only drawback of nylon artificial turf is that it is costly. But if durability and reliability are your priorities, then this turf is the best option for you.

Features of Artificial Grass to Be Considered

Now that you know everything about the materials used to make artificial grass let us discuss essential features you must consider before deciding.

Natural Looking Color

Artificial grass is called fake grass because it is not naturally grown, not because it looks or feels unnatural. It is quite like natural grass, but the selection of colors is critical. There are various colors for artificial turf, and it depends on the kind of look you want to project and on your taste for which one you purchase. Some manufacturers also add brown colored blades to give it a more natural appearance. The color varies with the quality, depending on the price you are paying for the artificial grass.

Ability to Withstand Heavy Usage

What will be the frequency of use? Do you have pets and children? Are you installing fake grass in Las Vegas  for sports activity? Before setting a budget, answer these questions and then research the most suitable grass according to your requirements. If your lawn faces heavy foot traffic, then nylon grass will be the right choice for you.


Durability is another factor that is associated with the frequency of usage. The more roughly you use the turf, the earlier it will damage. To make it last for years, install highly dense turf because the more blades per square area, the more durable the turf is. This suggestion is mainly for residential turfs where kids and pets play daily on the grass. Otherwise, for cost-cutting, you can install less dense turf.

Height of Blades

The term that we use for this feature is pile height. It ranges from 5mm to 50mm. For gardens and lawns generally a suitable height of 30 to 35 mm. For professional athletic grounds, blades should be around 50 mm long. However, it would be best to speak to your installer before deciding as he/she can guide you better as per the visual details of your place.


Infill is the sand that is sprinkled over the turf after installation. It gives a more natural look to the artificial grass; it keeps the turf weight downwards and also absorbs the liquids you may spill on the turf. Infill is not part of all installations but adding it to the package is wise.

Fire resistance

Fire is an unfortunate event and can occur anytime, anywhere. You must ensure that if this happens, you are not the reason it spreads. Flammable turf can spread fire very quickly. While purchasing artificial grass, ask the company to show you the certification by relevant authorities that ensures their product is non-flammable.

Final Words

While artificial grass can help you solve many problems you face due to natural grass, finding the best material and quality is critical. Many installation projects fail when people try to cut the cost by using low-quality turf. To avoid that do your research before choosing the installer. We know that synthetic lawns are a pleasure for several years, as we have been in this business long enough to see several happy customers, so we hope you get to enjoy the benefits of artificial turf as soon as you deem it possible.